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Solip Tech and Merck Announces Business Partnership to Advance Materials for Foldable and Rollable Displays

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soliptech Written20-12-02 10:59 View4,436 Comment0

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Merck will exclusively distribute the flexible hard coating material for foldable and rollable displays developed by Solip Tech



Solip Tech, Daejeon, Korea, a spin-off company from university KAIST announced business partnership agreement with Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. Merck will commercialize Solip Tech’s advanced materials for flexible, foldable and rollable OLED displays.


Merck is a leading player in electronic materials market and materials for OLED displays are one of the defined investment focus areas for future growth. Merck will exclusively distribute globally the flexible hard coating material that Solip Tech is manufacturing. This is the first product of display materials that addresses challenges in the manufacture of flexible, foldable and rollable OLED displays.


Solip Tech’s flexible hard coating material, which shows high hardness, scratch resistance, flexibility, and optical transparency can cover all key technology parameters for flexible display devices. This partnership brings together the high-end materials of Solip Tech with the long-standing reputation of Merck as a market solutions supplier in the display industry.


This partnership is a good example of how high-end technology developed in Korean University could be applied in commercial cutting-edge devices such as free-form OLED displays.


Merck News Release :

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