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Solip Tech presented in 2018 SID/DSSC Investor Conference, LA Convention Center, May 22, 2018

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soliptech Written18-03-20 17:28 View9,372 Comment0




Solip Tech had been invited to present in 2018 SID/DSSC Investor Conference which was held in LA Convention Center, USA at May 22, 2018 during Display Week 2018. Prof. Bae, CEO introduced the company as well as the advanced material technologies for future flexible/foldable display to seek funding.

This event focused on the investment outlook for the display industry and its participants. It also included presentations from financial and display industry analysts, venture capitalists, private equity firms and companies looking to raise capital to commercialize new technologies that solve existing technical challenges and/or enable new products and markets. Both private and publicly traded companies was invited to participate. Other participants contained Amophyx, CLEARink Displays, FlexEnable, PixelDisplay, OTILuminiox, ARES Materials, Nanosys, PlayNitride, Cynora, Kyulux, etc.

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