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Solip Tech presented in 2018 SID/DSSC Business Conference, LA Convention Center, May 21, 2018

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soliptech Written18-03-20 17:04 View8,614 Comment0



Solip Tech had been invited as a major layer of the flexible/foldable display supply chain to present in 2018 SID/DSSC Business Conference which was held in LA Convention Center, USA at May 21, 2018 during Display Week 2018. 

Prof. Bae, CEO introduced the company as well as the technologies to apply for flexible/foldable OLEDs, mainly Flex9H® and ClearFRP® technologies.

This conference linked current and emerging issues via information and analysis of the display industry, providing the knowledge necessary to develop effective strategies to succeed in the changing global marketplace. 

Produced by DSCC, the 2018 event provided the latest results and forecasts for each layer of the display supply chain and where growth, profits and the highest returns are likely. Senior executives from each layer of the display supply chain participated, with particular emphasis on whether flexible OLEDs, foldable OLEDs and microLEDs will or will not change the outlook for the display supply chain. Other participants contained Applied Materials, Corning, Tianma, Visionox, TPK, Nanosys, Cynora, Kyulux, etc.

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